Reflecting on the Legacy of Health Net Federal Services
Date: 01/01/25
by Kathleen Redd, Chief Executive Officer, Health Net Federal Services
"All good things must come to an end," said Geoffrey Chaucer nearly 800 years ago. For Health Net Federal Services, LLC (HNFS), this common quote rings true for us today as we end delivery of health care under the TRICARE T2017 West Region contract on December 31, 2024.
Thank you all for the partnership we’ve had providing health care to uniformed men and women and their families. We will fondly remember the great work we’ve done together over the past four decades. Working alongside you in service to the military community has been an honor and a privilege. We are proud of the impact we’ve had on the TRICARE benefit and the lives we’ve improved along the way.
HNFS has been a critical part of every iteration of the TRICARE health benefit, from the early days in the 1980s driving the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) Reform Initiative to the largest change ever in the history of the program, the introduction of TRICARE Select, and through all the other improvements and changes along the way. Collectively, our positive impact was only possible through the strong partnerships we have enjoyed with the Defense Health Agency (DHA), the TRICARE Health Plan, Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs), our exceptional TRICARE provider network, our sub-contractors, vendors, and, most importantly, our employees.
Together we’ve achieved so much — helped military members and families receive health care in the aftermath of fire, floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters, supported families through deployments in times of unrest and conflict, and worked together through global pandemics and local health crises. We finish this contract grateful that the 2.8 million eligible beneficiaries in TRICARE’s West Region have had access to the services they need.
To the military families we have supported in the West Region: It has been a privilege to serve you, to walk beside you, and to work tirelessly to ensure you have the support you deserve.
To the providers who have served our community: Thank you for your unwavering dedication to patient care. Your compassion and commitment to serving the military community has made a positive impact.
To our sub-contractors and vendors: Our sincere gratitude for your outstanding work and dedication throughout our TRICARE legacy. Your professionalism, attention to detail, and commitment to quality were instrumental in our exceptional performance history.
To the HNFS team: You’ve poured your hearts into this mission every single day. Witnessing your passion and dedication to protecting the health of our military and their families – and your growth as leaders and advocates – has been one of the greatest joys of my career.
What we’ve built together will endure far beyond our nearly four decades of service, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have been part of it.
— Kathleen E. Redd